“Photo exhibition of Royal Family and World Leaders”


“Photo exhibition of Royal Family and World Leaders” by Danish Royal Press. Photographer: Peng Zhongmin”


Come and experience ”Dongjiang Lake Art Museum”


Peng Zhongmin, Danish photographer at Royal Press

举办: 资兴市人民政府

Organized by: Zixing Municipal People’s Government


Peng Zhongmin, was born in Ningxiang, Hunan. Danish photographer at Royal Press.


Peng Zhongmin: a Danish economist, Danish senior journalist and senior photographer.




摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

The Palace Amalienborg in Copenhagen, Denmark

Photo: Royal Danish photographer Peng Zhongmin©




Curations of Cao Guangwen: China Photography Exhibition, Center in  Zixing Branch:

Curator: Liu Heng


To become to Royal Press photographer



Photography exhibition time:

September 23, 2021-November 26, 2021




地址 : 中国湖南省郴州市资兴市大全路68号Photography exhibition address:

China Photography Exhibition, Hall Zixing Branch

Dongjiang Lake Photography Art Gallery, Zixing City, Hunan Province, China

Address: No. 68, Daquan Road, Zixing City, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, China.



Curator, Director of China Photography Exhibition Center Zixing Branch:

Cao Guangwen speaks.


A story about the child of Hunan


Childhood “impulses”, made him become acquainted with photography


Become a royal photographer and use the lens to focus on the world in a diplomatic level


My photos of the worlds royal families and world leaders, are shown at photo exhibition in motherland.



摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

The 40th anniversary of the Queen of Denmark’s accession to the throne is celebrated with a grand celebration.

On January 14, 2012, at the Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark, Queen Margaret II of Denmark

Photo: Royal Danish photographer Peng Zhongmin©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On April 24, 2014, President Xi Jinping inviting Queen Margaret II of Denmark for a meeting in the Great Hall of the People.

Photographer Peng Zhongmin – Royal Press©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

In September 2015, the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, the chinese national leader Xi Jinping (president) & UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon shaked hands in United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Photographer Peng Zhongmin – Royal Press©



摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

US President Barack Obama at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland

July 9, 2016, Warsaw, the capital of Poland

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2014 年 10 月21-24日。丹麦皇室夫妇对克罗地亚进行国事访问。

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

October 21-24, 2014. The Danish royal couple paid a state visit to Croatia.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Queen Margaret II of the Kingdom of Denmark paid a state visit to China from April 24 to 28, 2014.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2016年7月9日,波兰首都华沙,北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格参加北约峰会。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On July 9, 2016, in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg, attended the NATO summit.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On December 18, 2014, the EU summit was held in Brussels. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker took a group photo with the presidents and prime ministers of all EU members.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

丹麦王室出席在克里斯蒂安堡城堡举行的 2021年议会议开幕式 .

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

The Danish royal family attended the opening ceremony of the parliamentary meeting held at Christiansborg Castle 2021.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©



摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On January 7, 2015, Queen Margaret II of Denmark held a New Year reception. After the meeting she returned, in her golden horse carriage, to Amalienborg Slot.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


摄影:Helen C.©

In 2014, Copenhagen. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon & Royal Danish photographer Peng Zhongmin.

Photography: Helen C.©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

Master Xingyun of Taiwan, China

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


丹麦首相梅特·弗雷德里克森 (Mette FrederiksenAF) 和联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯 (António Guterres) 于 2019 年 10 月 10 日星期四在丹麦 哥本哈根首相办公室举行新闻发布会。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

UN Secretary-General, Antonio, visits Denmark

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and UN Secretary-General António Guterres, held a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Thursday, October 10, 2019.Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


2017 年 1 月 24 日,阿美琳堡 Slotsplads。女王陛下、亨利克亲王殿下、古迪尼·索拉修斯·约翰内松总统阁下和伊丽莎·让·里德女士。

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

The President of Iceland paid a state visit to Denmark.

Amalienborg square on January 24, 2017. Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Highness Prince Henrik, His Excellency President Gudini Solarsius Johannesson and Ms. Eliza Jean Reed.Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On January 7, 2015, the Royal Reception at Christiansborg Palace, Denmark. Queen Margaret II of Denmark and her husband Henrik held a New Year reception.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2014 年 12 月 18 日。比利时布鲁塞尔 — 意大利总理马泰奥·伦齐(Matteo Renzi, Italy’s prime minister)在欧盟理事会总部举行的欧盟国家元首峰会结束时新闻发布会上接受媒体采访。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

Belgium – EU Heads of State Summit in Brussels

Brussels, Belgium, December 18, 2014. — Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is talking to media at the end of an EU state summit in the EU Council headquarter

Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2015 年 4 月 16 日,当丹麦女王玛格丽特二世陛下庆祝她的 75 岁生日时.玛格丽特女王陛下和其他 12 位王室成员将出现在阿美琳堡宫的阳台.为民挥手民挥手致意。

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On April 16, 2015, her Majesty Queen Margaret II of Denmark celebrates her 75th birthday. Her Majesty Queen Margaret and 12 other royal family members, will appear on the balcony of Amalienborg Palace to wave for the danish people.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2021年8月9日,致敬丹麦奥运健儿——丹麦王储(和丹麦首相一同)出席丹麦奥运健儿回国官方欢迎仪式。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

On August 9, 2021, The Danish Olympic athletes, the Crown Prince of Denmark and the Danish Prime Minister attended the official welcome ceremony for the return of the Danish Olympic athletes.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2014 年 6 月, 欧洲理事会:英国首相大卫卡梅伦.欧洲理事会结束时的总理新闻发布会。

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

European Council June 2014: The Prime Minister, David Cameron of England, helds a press conference at the end of June.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德主持欧盟 2014 年新闻发布会。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

French President François Hollande, hosted a EU the press meeting in 2014.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

方济各教皇(Francesco)2013年3月13日第5次教皇投票中获选,成为第一位耶稣会教皇、第一位拉丁美洲教皇。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

Pope Francis (Francesco) was elected in the 5th pope vote on March 13, 2013, becoming the first Jesuit pope and the first Latin American pope.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©


2017年北大西洋公约组织布鲁塞尔峰会是北大西洋公约组织国家元首和政府首脑第28次正式会议,于2017年5月25日在比利时布鲁塞尔举行。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

All the presidents and prime ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization members took a group photo // family photo

The 2017 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Brussels Summit, is the 28th official meeting of the heads of state and government. It was held on May 25, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

丹麦首相莱克·拉斯穆森会见第 128 届部长委员会部长

2018 年 5 月 17-18 日,丹麦埃尔西诺举行第 128 届((关于保护个人信息处理的现代化公约))部长委员会会议.18 日.丹麦首相莱克·拉斯穆森和所有成员各国部长合影留念。

摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民©

Danish Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, meets with ministers of the 128th Council of Ministers

On May 17-18, 2018, Elsinore, Denmark held the 128th ((Modernization Convention on the Protection of Personal Information Processing)) Ministerial Committee meeting.

After the meeting, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen took a group photo with the ministers of all member countries.

Photo: Royal Press  Photographer Peng Zhongmin©

2018年6月6日,丹麦.中国文联副主席赵实会见丹麦皇家记者/丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民.摄影:中国摄影报副社长付党生©


Photo description review: Wang, Yingyu

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