Kronprinsessen af Danmark deltog i ”The Womenomics Nordic DE&I Conference”

Kronprinsessen af Danmark deltog den 2. maj 2023 i ”The Womenomics Nordic DE&I Conference” i København.

Ved ankomsten til Østre Gasværk Teater blev Kronprinsessen modtaget af blandt andre CEO for Above & Beyond Tine Arentsen Willumsen. Ligestilling og inklusion i turbulente tider var hovedtemaet for Kronprinsessens tale i dag ved konferencen Womenomics 2023

Kronprinsesse Mary
Kronprinsesse Mary

Konferencen, som er den største af sin slags i Norden, havde i år fokus på fremtidens bæredygtige arbejdsmarked. Virksomhedsledere, forskere og kunstnere diskuterede blandt andet, hvordan man skaber et inkluderende arbejdsmiljø i komplekse tider. Kronprinsessen er tidligere blevet hædret med en Womenomics Global Impact Award for sit arbejde for kvinders ligestilling og rettigheder i Danmark og i udlandet. Womenomics-konferencen blev i år afholdt for 9. gang og havde temaet: ”The Power of Diversity and Inclusion in Times of Turbulence”.

‘The Crown Princess of Denmark’s story presented at Womenomics Nordic DE&I conference

Against the backdrop of economic, climate and energy crises, global pandemics, wars in Europe and global inflation, one might ask whether it is necessary to focus on diversity and women in leadership?

Historically, promoting gender equality has not typically been a priority in times of turmoil.

In fact, seven in 10 leaders in a new Boston Consulting Group survey expect the recession to negatively impact the diversity, equality and inclusion agenda. Thirty-seven percent expect reduced attention from leadership, the biggest risk to the agenda over the next three to five years.
But promoting gender equality should not be seen as an optional extra or an add-on for companies. Promoting diversity in general, and women in management in particular, is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do—even in times of chaos.

The survey also shows that organizations with strong diversity, equity and inclusion strategies tend to weather economic turmoil better than those that do not. The S&P 500 fell more than 35% during the 2007-2009 recession, but shares of inclusive companies rose 14%.

Women are part of the solution and provide it!
As in business, that small village in Vanuatu tends to weather the storm better if diversity, equity and inclusion strategies are incorporated into rebuilding to strengthen resilience and adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

So, why am I drawing this parallel line? Well…among other things, it’s important to emphasize that diversity, equality, and inclusion are not exclusive concepts that belong to or are fought for only by certain groups. While some people may have more access to or realize these values earlier than others, it is important to recognize that these values can make things better in all societies and at all levels.

That is why it is my pleasure to speak here today.

We need to show the important role women play, whether it’s making companies more resilient during a crisis, in peace negotiations, or as equal members of the decision-making bodies in their villages.

The focus of this session is important – women matter to strong leadership, and diverse leadership is integral. The future is happening all around us, and this conference helps draw attention to the problem and spark possible solutions.

The labor market of the future cannot rely on yesterday’s traditions and gender norms. A sustainable labor market of the future is inclusive and leaves no one behind.

Prioritizing equality can improve a company’s resilience to turmoil. This includes promoting innovation, talent, motivation, attraction and retention, and employee satisfaction.

Younger generations demand work-life balance and equal career opportunities. Moving into the future and engaging employees means acknowledging the importance of gender equality and equal opportunities for men and women.

Sadly, we need to recognize that the future is likely to be one of continued volatility and crisis.

In some industrialized coun

FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©RP

AF: kongehuset og Henning Okholm

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