Kronprinsen af Danmark deltog i Danmarks Veteraners parade i anledning af International Day of UN Peacekeepers. Kastellet, København den 29, maj 2022.
Ved International Day of UN Peacekeepers hædres veteraner for deres indsats og jubilæer. Under paraden blev veteraner med jubilæum for tjeneste i internationale missioner for Danmark således dekoreret med mindemedaljer for deres udsendelser.

FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©/RP. (29.maj 2022)
Ved ankomst blev Kronprinsen modtaget af landsformanden for Danmarks Veteraner, oberst Niels Hartvig Andersen og kommandanten i Kastellet, major Allan Bo Petersen, som ledsagede Hans Kongelige Højhed til paradepladsen, hvor Kronprinsen modtog og inspicerede paraden. Kronprinsen lagde efterfølgende en krans ved Monument for Danmarks Internationale Indsats efter 1948 og Den Kongelige Livgardes Musikkorps spillede et vers af ”Kongernes Konge”.

The Department of State U,S, has been information about International Day of UN Peacekeeper:
The world marks International Day of UN Peacekeepers every May 29, and on this day we honor the courage, service, and sacrifice of the UN’s “blue helmets.”

FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©/RP. (29.maj 2022)
Since the first mission in 1948, more than a million women and men have served in UN peacekeeping operations, helping people recover, rebuild, and remain safe after periods of conflict. There are currently 12 UN peacekeeping operations around the world and nearly 90,000 personnel serving the cause of peace, reconciliation, and durable political solutions.

FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©/RP. (29.maj 2022)
Unfortunately, UN peacekeepers too often sacrifice their lives for the cause of peace, and today we pause to express our deep gratitude to the more than 4,000 peacekeepers who have died during their service over the past seven decades, 135 of them last year alone.

FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©/RP. (29.maj 2022)
UN peacekeeping is one of the most effective international tools for promoting peace and security and protecting the world’s most vulnerable populations. That is why the United States supports UN peacekeeping and is dedicated to promoting greater safety, security, performance, conduct, and accountability. Peacekeeping is a shared responsibility that benefits all nations and peoples, and the United States will continue to be its leading supporter and proponent.
AF: kongehuset ,The Department of State U,S. og Henning Okholm
FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©/RP. (29.maj 2022)
联合国维和人员国际日 丹麦王储出席丹麦退伍军人阅兵式