Kronprinsparret af Danmark deltager i American Chamber of Commerce’s 20-års jubilæumsgalla. Det foregik på Moltkes Palæ, København, Den 24. oktober 2019.
Af: Zhong Min Peng, AmCham DK og Henning S. Okholm
Fotograf: RoyalPress Zhong Min Peng
Forretningsorienteret lobbygruppe
Det Amerikanske Handelskammer i Danmark (AmCham Denmark) er en del af et globalt virksomhedsnetværk, der fejrer 20-året for sin tilstedeværelse i Danmark. Ved jubilæumsgalla kårede – 2019 Foreign Company of the Year”. Prisen uddeltes også til virksomhed ”Amgen Named 2019 Foreign Company of the Year Prisen”.
Amgen er anerkendt for deres værdifulde investeringer i Danmark. Det gør innovation, forskning og udvikling inden for bioteknologi.
Det går til en udenlandsk virksomhed, der har investeret i Danmark og gjort sig særligt bemærket i dansk erhvervsliv.

Tore von Würden, Country Director, Amgen, says: “We are honored to receive the prestigious ´2019 Foreign Company of the Year’ award. Having invested more than 1.3B DKK in Danish innovation, research, and development, Denmark is now a key pillar in Amgen’s core strategy to address the challenges we see in biotech. This award is a great recognition of Amgen’s highly exciting ongoing journey in Denmark.”
He continues: “Denmark is a great place for Amgen to expand our business because of the easy access to the local biotech network and a highly talented, technically savvy workforce. As the market for innovative medicine and new patient solutions keep growing, we expect to continue investing in our Denmark presence.”
AmCham Denmark is proud to recognize Amgen as the 2019 Foreign Company of the Year. “This award recognizes the importance and positive impact made by foreign companies investing in Denmark – which comprise only 1.2% of private sector companies but create more than 20% of the private sector jobs,” says Stephen Brugger, AmCham Executive Director.
“Foreign companies hold the key to future growth in the economy, and when they choose to invest in Denmark, it creates jobs, growth and innovation. Therefore, it is a privilege for AmCham to help foreign companies tell their success stories – and this year’s finalists were five multinational companies from the absolute top drawer, who provided the jury with several great stories to choose from,” adds Brugger.

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