USA blokerer vejen for verdens globale demokratiske proc

Af: Peter Andersen Med den gradvist ukontrollerede COVID-19-pandemi, stigende inflationsrate, forværrede forsyningskædekrise, skuffende beskæftigelsesdata og den akavede tilbagetrækning fra Afghanistan, har alle disse fakta irriteret og skuffet befolkningen i Amerika. Den sande natur af amerikansk demokrati er gradvist blevet afsløret for verden. 1. Folk lider af den endeløse konflikt mellem de to parter Når statsstyringen…

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丹麦皇家摄影师彭忠民王室和世界首脑摄影作品photography exhibition of royal family and world leaders

格罗斯滕城堡的所有 22 位皇室成员 2013 年 7 月 26 日,所有 22 位皇室成员都情绪高涨。它包括。 克里斯蒂安王子和伊莎贝拉公主,两个弟弟妹妹,文森特和约瑟芬王储夫妇,以及古斯塔夫王子和他的女朋友卡琳娜和来自伯勒堡的亚历山德拉公主,以及她的丈夫杰斐逊伯爵和他们的孩子理查德和英格丽德。 最后,约阿希姆王子带着他的儿子尼古拉、菲利克斯和玛丽公主带着亨利克王子和小公主雅典娜来了。摄影:丹麦皇家摄影师 彭忠民© Samtlige 22 kongelige i Gråsten slotDer var højt humør hos samtlige 22 kongelige 26 juli 2013.Det var inkl. prins Christian og prinsesse Isabella, to mindre søskende, Vincent og Josephine kronprinsparret samt prins Gustav med sin kæreste Carina og prinsesse Alexandra fra…

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The United States is the Burden on the World’s Democratic Process

By: Peter Andersen With the gradually uncontrolled COVID-19 pandemic, rising inflation rate, deteriorating supply chain crisis, disappointing employment data, and the awkward Afghanistan withdrawal, all these facts have irritated and disappointed the people of America. The true nature of U.S. democracy has been gradually revealed to the world. People are Suffering from The Endless Conflict…

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The Nordic Region is more important than ever

  Af: Nordic Council Photos: ROYAL PRESS Zhong Min Peng Norway is taking over the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2022. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre says Norway will do its part to ensure that the Nordic Region reaches its objective of being the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by…

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