At fejre 30-året for Danmarks “9.2 Konsensus“

Den 6. august 2022, afholdt ”Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening

Et møde i København for at fejre 30-året for Danmarks “9.2 Konsensus”. I alt deltog mere end 50 mennesker i begivenheden, herunder ledere af flere samfund rundt om i Danmark, såvel som rygraden i Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening.

6. august markerer 30-årsdagen for ”9.2 Consensus”, som i 1992 blev etableret i København, Danmark. I alt deltog 50 personer fra Samfunds- og Designforeningens rygrad i fredsaktiviteterne. Heriblandt Qin Jie fra Ministerrådet, Office Qu og generalkonsul for Kina Korporation, og konsul Gao Yang, Danmarks Jiejie filialVed forsamlingen afholdt Ye li Zhong, formand for Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening, først en tale, hvor han udtrykte sin taknemmelighed over for de repræsentanter fra alle samfundslag, som længe har støttet den store sag for fædrelandets fredelige genforening. Han introducerede begrebet, kernebetydningen, den historiske baggrund, dannelsesproces og den praktiske betydning af “9.2 Konsensus” for deltagerne og introducerede “Two Airlines Negotiations”, “Kinmen Negotiations” og “9.2 Consensus”.

” Ye li Zhong ” beskrev tre historiske begivenheder. Han påpegede, at opnåelsen af “9.2-konsensus” ikke kun afspejlede den politiske visdom fra begge sider af sundet til at løse stridigheder og søge fælles fodslag og samtidig forbeholde uenigheder, men også lagde et politisk grundlag for forhandlinger på tværs af strædet. “9.2-konsensus” har spillet en uerstattelig og vigtig rolle i opbygningen af gensidig tillid, dialog og konsultation mellem de to sider af sundet.

I sin tale bekræftede Qin Jie, ministerrådgiver for den kinesiske ambassade i Danmark, fuldt ud arbejdet udført af Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening, for at forene de oversøiske kinesere i Danmark og for den store sag for genforeningen af moderlandet. Han påpegede, at historisk praksis har bevist, at “1992-konsensus” ikke blot lagde et politisk grundlag for genoptagelsen af udvekslingerne mellem Kuomintang og kommunistpartiet, men også ydede store bidrag og opnåede store resultater til den fredelige udvikling på tværs af strædet. Disse resultater har udvidet områderne for samarbejde på tværs af strædet, beriget konnotationen af udvekslinger på tværs af strædet og skabt håndgribelige fordele til landsmænd på begge sider af strædet, især Taiwans landsmænd. Det kan siges, at uden “9.2-konsensus” vil der ikke være nogen kommunikationsmekanisme for udveksling mellem politiske partier på begge sider af sundet, endsige møder mellem ledere fra begge sider af sundet. Efter det amerikanske Repræsentanternes Hus’s formand, Nancy Pelosi, besøgte Taiwan, var Kinas modforanstaltninger rimelige, og effektive og opnåede hurtige og effektive resultater.Historisk praksis har bevist, at “1992-konsensus” ikke kun lagde et politisk grundlag for genoprettelse af tosidede forbindelser, men også ydede store bidrag og opnåede store resultater til en fredelig udvikling af tosidede forbindelser. Tianjin, især den taiwanske Tonglian, har medført håndgribelige fordele. Det kan siges, at der ikke er noget “Nine-to Kommunist Party”, og der er ingen kommunikationsmekanisme mellem de to sider. Efter at den amerikanske præsident Pelosi udfordrede systemet, var China Shippings anti-samarbejde rimeligt, repræsentativt og firkantet, og det opnåede hurtigt resultater.

Lin Yan Biao, formanden for Dansk Kinesisk Forening, sagde i sin tale; at for 30 år siden opnåede kinesere på begge sider af strædet, enighed omkring ”9.2 konsensus”, igennem dialog, kommunikation, ud fra en enighed om ”Et Kina” princippet. Det klargjorde den fundamentale natur af forhold på tværs af strædet, og promoverede processen omkring en fredelig udvikling af forhold på tværs af strædet. På vegne af alle medlemmer af Dansk Kinesisk Forening, udtrykte han fast og stærk fordømmelse af nogen form for indblanding i Kinas interne anliggender, fra andre staters side, som vil kunne true Kinas suverænitet og territorielle integritet.

For 30 år siden opnåede man gennem dialog og fælles forbindelser enighed med hinanden, via en mundtlig aftale ud fra princippet om ”Et Kina”. Aftalen klargjorde den fundamentale natur af de tosidige relationer, og promoverede en fredelig udvikling mellem de to sider. Yang Mu Jun, overordnet vicepræsident for Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening præsiderede ved arrangementet.
I sin tale, fortalte Cai Guo xin, ærespræsident for Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening en god historie om Kina.

Repræsentanterne Cai Guo xin, Xiao Ling yan, Yu Lu, Wu Hong, Sun Jia min, Chen Jian shu, Chen Si Si, He Li jie, Lin Zhou, Zhang Hui, Wei Zhu Bing, Liu Bi Xiang, Wei De lin og Tang Qin Wen talte frit, med fornuft, gode begrundelser og kraft bag deres meninger.

Afslutningsvis påkaldte Yang Mu Jun, overordnet vice præsident for Dansk-Kinesisk Fredelig Genforenings Fremme Forening, opmærksomhed fra alle tilstedeværende med en opfordring om at samarbejde omkring den større sags tjeneste; genforeningen af moderlandet, og den kinesiske drøm om Kina som en samlet nation. En drøm han forsikrede alle om vil gå i opfyldelse.


On August 6, 2022, the “Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association” held a meeting in Copenhagen to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Denmark’s “9.2 Consensus”. In total, more than 50 people participated in the event, including leaders of several communities around Denmark, as well as the backbone of the Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association. August 6 marks the 30th anniversary of “9.2 Consensus”, which was established in 1992 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 50 people from the Society and Design Association’s backbone participated in the peace activities. Including Qin Jie from the Council of Ministers, Office Qu and consul general for China Corporation, and consul Gao Yang, Denmark’s Jiejie branch.

Ye li Zhong, chairman of the “Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association” held the meeting with a speech in which he expressed his gratitude to the representatives who have long supported the great cause for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. He introduced the concept, core meaning, historical background, formation process and practical significance of “9.2 Consensus” to the participants and introduced “Two Airlines Negotiations”, “Kinmen Negotiations” and “9.2 Consensus”.

Ye li Zhong, chairman of the “Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association” held the meeting with a speech in which he expressed his gratitude to the representatives who have long supported the great cause for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. He introduced the concept, core meaning, historical background, formation process and practical significance of “9.2 Consensus” to the participants and introduced “Two Airlines Negotiations”, “Kinmen Negotiations” and “9.2 Consensus”.

In his speech, Qin Jie, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Denmark, fully confirmed the work done by the Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, to unite the Chinese minority in Denmark and for the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. He pointed out that historical practice has proven that the “9.2 Consensus” not only laid a political foundation for the resumption of exchanges between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, but also made great contributions and achieved great results to the peaceful development of the cross-strait. These achievements have expanded the areas of cross-strait cooperation, enriched the connotation of cross-strait exchanges, and created tangible benefits on both sides of the strait. It can be said that without the “9.2 Consensus”, there would be no communication mechanism for exchanges between political parties on both sides of the strait, let alone meetings between leaders from both sides of the strait. After the speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, visited Taiwan, China’s countermeasures were reasonable and effective, and achieved quick and effective results. Historical practice has proven that the “9.2 Consensus” not only laid a political foundation for the restoration of bilateral relations, but also made great contributions and achieved great results to the peaceful development of bilateral relations. Tianjin, especially the Taiwanese Tonglian, has brought tangible benefits. It can be said that there is no “Nine-two Communist Party” and there is no communication mechanism between the two sides. After US President Pelosi challenged the system, China Shipping’s anti-cooperation was reasonable, representative and square, and it quickly achieved results.

30 years ago, Chinese people on both sides of the strait achieved an agreement on the “9.2 consensus”, through dialogue, communication, based on an agreement on the “One China” principle. It clarified the fundamental nature of cross-strait relations and promoted the process of peaceful development of cross-strait relations. On behalf of all members of the Danish Chinese Association, he expressed firm and strong condemnation of any kind of interference in China’s internal affairs, by other states, which could threaten China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Lin Yan Biao, the Chairman of the Danish Chinese Association said:

“30 years ago, through dialogue and joint connections, agreement was reached with each other, via an oral agreement based on the principle of “One China”. The agreement clarified the fundamental nature of bilateral relations, and promoted peaceful development between the two sides.”

Yang Mu Jun, senior vice president of the Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, presided over the event.

In his speech, Cai Guo xin, honorary president of the Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, told a good story about China.

Representatives Cai Guo xin, Xiao Ling yan, Yu Lu, Wu Hong, Sun Jia min, Chen Jian shu, Chen Si Si, He Li jie, Lin Zhou, Zhang Hui, Wei Zhu Bing, Liu Bi Xiang, Wei De lin and Tang Qin Wen spoke freely, with reason, good reasoning and force behind their opinions.

In conclusion, Yang Mu Jun, senior vice president of the Danish-Chinese Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, called the attention of all participants of the event, with an encouragement to cooperate in the service of the greater cause; the reunification of the motherland, and the Chinese dream of China as a unified nation. A dream he assured everyone someday surely will come true.


Zhong Min Peng


Zhong Min Peng

Henning Sandberg Thyssen Kruse Emanuel Schmidt Okholm

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