The queen: “The Global Fashion Summit is an important catalyst“

Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen 2024

AF: kongehuset og Henning Okholm
FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©RP

H.M. Dronningen af Danmark deltog den 22. maj 2024 i Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen 2024.

Ved ankomsten til DR Koncerthuset i København blev Dronningen modtaget af CEO i Global Fashion Agenda, Federica Marchionni og Chief of Staff i Global Fashion Agenda Alice Roberta Taylor.

Majestæten af Danmark holdt tale ved topmødet, som samler flere end 1000 nøgleinteressenter fra den globale modeindustri, politikere, eksperter og NGO’er for at diskutere bæredygtige løsninger og skabe tværindustrielle alliancer inden for branchen.

Majestæten holdt tale ved topmødet, som samler flere end 1000 nøgleinteressenter fra den globale modeindustri, politikere, eksperter og NGO’er for at diskutere bæredygtige løsninger og skabe tværindustrielle alliancer inden for branchen.

 Efterfølgende besøgte Dronningen udstillingen Innovation Forum. Her mødte Dronningen en række virksomheder, som arbejder med bæredygtige løsninger, der kan anvendes i modeindustrien.

H.M. The queen:The Global Fashion Summit is an important catalyst

Fashion Summit den 22 maj 2024

“Fifteen years ago, I attended the Global Fashion Summit for the first time. In my opening address, I characterized the fashion industry as one that reflects and inspires societal development. And although the world has changed dramatically since then, this characterization still holds true.

Today, many industries, including the fashion and textile industry, are increasingly focused on sustainability and circularity. By mobilizing fashion leaders and partnerships worldwide, Global Fashion Agenda has been, and continues to be, a driving force in the crucial development and future proofing of the industry.

As you may know, I am the proud mother of four children, two boys and two girls. Today, Isabella and Josephine can fit many of my clothes and, to my horror, shoes. The age gap, however, often means that they ‘wouldn’t be caught dead in that’. However, when they see something of mine, it always puts a smile on my face.

My children are far from the only ones borrowing and swapping clothes, frequenting vintage stores and flea markets. New clothing is no longer seen in opposition to used clothing. Along with progress in sustainable production, the
development of new materials and textiles, and scaling of textile recycling, this bodes well for future circularity.

The Global Fashion Summit is an important catalyst.“H.M. The queen said at the Fashion Summit on 22 maj 2024.

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