Translation and editing: ROYAL PRESS Peng, Zhongmin, DK PRESS HENNING OKHOLM
Part of the article is provided by: Chinese photographer Cao Guangwen PHOTO:Cao GuangwenCao Guangwen,
A well-known local photographer in Zi xing City, Hunan Province, China, discovered the scenic spot “Misty Little Dong jiang” in Dong jiang Lake in the early 1990s.
Since 1997, many of his photographs based on the theme “Misty Little Dong Njiang”, have won awards and have been exhibited in both domestic and foreign competitions.
One of his award-winning photos has impressed and inspired photographers around the world to visit this scenic place.
Cao Guangwen, A well-known local photographer in Zi xing City, Hunan Province, China, discovered the scenic spot “Misty Little Dong jiang” in Dong jiang Lake in the early 1990s.
Since 1997, many of his photographs based on the theme “Misty Little Dong Njiang”, have won awards and have been exhibited in both domestic and foreign competitions.
His photographs have since attracted many photographers from around the world to Zi xing.
Cao Guangwen is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association and vice president of the Hunan Art Photography Society. He is also a member of the presidium of the Shenzhen Entrepreneur Photographic Association and is currently curator and art director of the China Photography Exhibition Hall · Zixing Branch (Dongjianghu Photography Art Museum).
Since the middle of the last century, more than 500 of Cao’s remarkable photographs have been published in provincial-level magazines and newspapers, and more than 60 of these have been selected for awards at professional photo festivals at home and abroad. Many works were selected for prizes at the 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th National Photo Festival, the 9th and 10th China International Photo Festival as well as the 6th-9th. Shanghai International Photo Festival.
At the beginning of the creation of ((Morning fog Qing Ge)) in the last century ((“Misty Little Dong Jiang River”)) was discovered.
Thereafter, the work won the first landscape photography award in the annual photography competition sponsored by China Photographic News and Leica. Half of the winning works have since been featured on the front page of China Photography News on September 19, 1997. It was this photo that made the landscape of the “Misty Little Dong Jiang River” world famous.
Subsequently, the photographer Mr. Cao Guangwen from Xiao dong jiang participated in other local and international photo competitions, and has been selected to receive prizes in the highest domestic and international exhibitions and competitions. Since then, Xiao dong Jiang has become a global attraction for photographers worldwide.
In the last two decades, the development of cultural tourism in Zixing City has been centered around a cultivation of photographic art, and the increasing influx of tourists has created prosperity among the locals, and counteracted poverty.
According to statistics, from 2015 to 2020, Zi xing alone received more than 500 million tourists, which generated a total ticket revenue of 300 million yuan. Residents in the area have gone from working in environmentally harmful factories, to instead dealing with tourism-related companies, which have created the new prosperity in the area.
This can be seen in recent years where Zi xing City has cultivated the transformation and development of the tourism industry through cultural enterprises and has embarked on an innovative path to the industry and driven the local population out of poverty.
Today, ((Misty little Dong jiang river)), ((Morning fog Qing Ge)) from the Dong jiang Lake Photography Art Museum has become known as the most striking cultural landscape, and even a seductive cultural business card in Hunan and in China as whole.
Et af hans prisvindende fotos har imponeret og inspireret fotografer over hele verden til at besøge dette naturskønne sted (DK)
Oversættelse og redigering: ROYAL PRESS Peng, Zhongmin, DK PRESS HENNING OKHOLM
En del af artiklen leveres af: Kinesisk fotograf Cao Guangwen Foto: Cao Guangwen
Cao Guangwen
Cao is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association and vice president of the Hunan Art Photography Society. He is also a member of the presidium of the Shenzhen Entrepreneur Photographic Association and is currently curator and art director of the China Photography Exhibition Hall · Zixing Branch (Dongjianghu Photography Art Museum).
Since the middle of the last century, more than 500 of Cao’s remarkable photographs have been published in provincial-level magazines and newspapers, and more than 60 of these have been selected for awards at professional photo festivals at home and abroad. Many works were selected for prizes at the 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th National Photo Festival, the 9th and 10th C
hina International Photo Festival as well as the 6th-9th. Shanghai International Photo Festival.I begyndelsen af oprettelsen af ((Morgen tåge Qing Ge)) i det sidste århundrede blev ((Tåget lille Dong jiang-flod)) opdaget.
Derefter vandt arbejdet den første landskabsfotografi-præmie i den årlige fotografi konkurrence sponsoreret af China Photographic News og Leica. Halvdelen af de vindende værker er siden blevet offentliggjort på forsiden af China Photography News den 19. september 1997. Det var dette foto, der gjorde landskabet i “Tåget lille Dong jiang-flod” verdenskendt.
Efterfølgende har fotografen Hr. Cao Guangwen fra Xiao dong jiang deltaget i andre lokale og internationale fotokonkurrencer, og er blevet udvalgt til at modtage priser i de højeste indenlandske og internationale udstillinger og konkurrencer. Siden da er Xiao dong Jiang, blevet et globalt tiltrækningspunkt for fotografer verden over.
I de sidste to årtier er udviklingen af kulturturisme i Zixing City blevet centreret omkring en dyrkelse af fotografisk kunst, og den stigende tilstrømning af turister har skabt velstand blandt lokalbefolkningen, og modvirket fattigdom.
Ifølge statistikker modtog Zi xing alene fra 2015 til 2020 mere end 500 millioner turister, som genererede en samlet billetindægt på 300 millioner yuan. Beboere i området er gået fra at arbejde på miljøskadelige fabrikker, til istedet at beskæftige sig med turistrelaterede virksomheder, som har skabt den nye velstand i området.
Dette kan ses i de senere år, hvor Zi xing City har kultiveret transformationen og udviklingen af turistindustrien gennem kulturelle virksomheder og har påbegyndt en innovativ vej til industrien for at drive hele folket ud af fattigdom.
I dag er ((Tåget lille Dong jiang-flod)) eller ((Morgen tåge Qing Ge)) fotograferingsbase og Dong jiang Lake Photography Art Museum, som det mest iøjnefaldende kulturlandskab i Dong jiang Lake naturskønne område, blevet et forførende kulturelt visitkort i Hunan og endda i Kina.
翻译编辑:丹麦皇家记者彭忠民 丹麦记者HENNING OKHOLD文章部分内容提供:中国摄影家曹广文
曹广文.中国湖南省资兴市一名资深的本土摄影人,从二十世纪九十年代初发现东江湖“雾漫小东江”景区,1997年起,他的以“雾漫小东江”为题材的多幅摄影作品在国内外大赛中获奖并展出,开始吸引外界的摄影人走入资兴、走入东江湖。曹广文 中国摄影家协会会员 湖南省艺术摄影学会副主席 深圳企业家摄影协会主席团委员,国家一级美术师,现任中国摄影展览馆·资兴分馆(东江湖摄影艺术馆)的策展人、艺术总监、馆长。
曹广文 自上世纪中叶以来,共在专业摄影和省级以上杂志报刊发表作品500多幅,60多幅作品分别在国内外专业影展影赛入选获奖。多件作品在全国第19、22、23、24、25届影展、中国第9、10届国际影展、上海第6—9届国际影展上入选获奖。《晓雾清歌》这幅作品创作上世纪发现“雾漫小东江”之初,随后该作品在中国摄影报与徕卡公司主办的摄影年赛中获风光专题一等奖,获奖作品以半个版的篇幅登在中国摄影报1997年9月19日头版,就是这一张照片让“雾漫小东江”风光一夜成名。随后,曹广文和国内外其它地区摄影人拍自小东江的摄影作品陆续在国内国际最高级别的展览、比赛中入选获奖,由此拉开了小东江成为全球摄影基地的序幕。近二十年来,资兴市的文化旅游事业的发展经历了摄影涵养、旅游引导产业结构性改革、带动了区内全民走上脱贫致富之路。据不完全统计,仅2015——2020年,资兴接待游客500多万人次,门票收入超过3亿元,区内居民依靠从事与旅游相关的事业脱贫致富,已成为当地的主导产业。由此可见,资兴市近年来通过文化事业涵养旅游产业的转型发展,走出了一条产业带动全民脱贫致富的创新之路,乐翻了当地政府和广大民众。今天“雾漫小东江”摄影创作基地和东江湖摄影艺术馆作为东江湖风景名胜区一处最吸引人眼球的人文景观,已然成为湖南乃至中国境内一张养眼的文化名片。
丹麦皇家记者彭忠民2021 年 7 月 16 日微信采访中国摄影家曹广文






