Et C40 Topmøde i København


Borgmestre fra 35 lande mødtes i København 14. oktober 2019 med fokus på klima.

C40 topmøde er et netværk der består af 94 af de største, mest indflydelsesrige, innovative og klimaambitiøse byer i verden. C40 topmødet er de har forpligtet sig til at arbejde for at nå de mest ambitiøse mål Parisaftalen.

Af: Zhong Min Peng og Henning S. T. K. E. S. Okholm

Fotograf: RoyalPress Zhong Min Peng

En urtete til hver morgen

Gå ikke glip af denne til næste år

Den 9 – 12 oktober, 2019 gik det løs, da borgmestre fra nogle af verdens største byer mødtes til C40 World Mayors Summit 2019 for at stå i klimaets tegn i København. Over 2000 delegerede og tilmeldte tegnede C40 World Mayors Summit 2019 i København som blev det største C40-topmøde nogensinde i Danmark.

8 C40 mayors summit in Copenhagen 2019
C40 mayors summit in Copenhagen 2019
7 Mette Frederiksen Prime Minister of Denmark
Mette Frederiksen Prime Minister of Denmark

Kronprinsparret af Danmark

Den 10. oktober 2019 er Kronprinsparret af Danmark værter ved en middag på Christiansborg Slot. Middagen afholdes i anledning af det internationale C40-klimatopmøde, hvor København får besøg af borgmestre, erhvervsledere og klimaeksperter fra 35 lande i verden.

3 Al Gore Former Vice President of the United States of America
Al Gore Former Vice President of the United States of America
2 Frank Jensen Lord Mayor of Copenhagen
Frank Jensen Lord Mayor of Copenhagen


Onsdag den 9. oktober åbnede Københavns internationale kunstcenter ved en åbningsceremoni på Refshaleøen ved Copenhagen Contemporary. Klimatopmødets efterfølgende dage byder programmet på forskellige arrangementer rundt omkring i byen, imens selve topmødet finder sted ved Tivolis kongrescenter. I anledning af besøget deltager omkring 200 indbudte gæster i Kronprinsparrets middagsarrangement på Christiansborg Slot, hvor H.K.H. Kronprinsen af Danmark holder en tale, og overborgmester Frank Jensen, som er vært ved C40-klimatopmødet, afholder velkomsttalen.

9 Mayor Eric Garcetti was elected Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership
Mayor Eric Garcetti was elected Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership
6 Chen Weiqiang Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou
Chen Weiqiang Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou

En udmelding

Statement of Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 Cities.

We are facing a climate emergency, and a growing number of people around the world, particularly young people, are treating it as such. Just last month 7.6 million climate protestors took to the streets of the world’s cities for one of the largest global protests, on any topic, ever. This week, Extinction Rebellion is building on that momentum with peaceful protest and nonviolent action.

En samling af guarana

Time is running out, and we need action at an unprecedented scale. We are facing threats of climate breakdown – the response that we’re seeing from Extinction Rebellion and young climate strikers around the globe should come as no surprise.

11 Frank Jensen Lord Mayor of Copenhagen
Frank Jensen Lord Mayor of Copenhagen
10 Michael R. Bloomberg 108th Mayor of New York City. C40 Board President, UN Secretary Generals Special Envoy for Climate Action
Michael R. Bloomberg 108th Mayor of New York City. C40 Board President, UN Secretary Generals Special Envoy for Climate Action


13 KS Wong Secretary for the Environment of Hong Kong, China
KS Wong Secretary for the Environment of Hong Kong, China
12 Mayor Eric Garcetti Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership
Mayor Eric Garcetti Chair of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership

We share their concern for the future of humanity, and we must push forward with courage and ambition to change the status quo that has generated this crisis.

Right now, emissions are still going up around the globe, even if in 30 cities from the C40 network they have been coming down for 5 years. Globally, emissions must start coming down by next year, and will need to be cut at least in half by 2030.

This work will require everyone’s participation: national governments and corporations will need to match the ambition of citizens and local leaders

5 Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations
Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations

We must now come together and dedicate ourselves to protecting, preserving and mobilizing en masse for the future we want. We must listen to each other. We must discuss solutions and engage in open debate about the best route forward. Everything is at stake, and everyone will be impacted by this crisis. This is our shared struggle, and no peaceful action should be met with violence.

This week in Copenhagen, 70 mayors will come together alongside youth activists from more than 30 countries, scientists and business leaders for the C40 World Mayors Summit. This will be the defining challenge of our generation, and we can only succeed by working together to create the future we want.

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris & Chair of C40 Cities.

4 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez U.S. Representative for New York's 14th Congressional District
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez U.S. Representative for New York’s 14th Congressional District

Et nærmere syn på C40 og indhold