WorldPress Freedom Day is May 3rd in Copenhagen, we are currently located at the UN City. We got news information from United Nation City of Copenhagen that speeches held by Camilla Brückner, head of the UNDP Nordic Office. That the WorldPress Freedom Day, highpositioned people would be there to confront the audience. UNDP Nordic Office, Dominic Schroeder, the British Ambassador to Denmark, and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Anders Samuelsen.
By Zhong Min Peng and Henning Sandberg Okholm

All addressed the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity and subsequent testimony from Christina Lamb, Simi Jan and IMS (International Media Support) made it all too clear that violence and harassment against journalists, not least female journalists – is on the rise.
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Challenges in Freedom Day
We should all defend the rights of journalists, whose efforts help us build a better world for all. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Anders Samuelsen delivering the keynote speech and debating the challenges.

On this WorldPress Freedom Day 2019, the world recognizes the role that free media plays in a democratic society. Governments must act to secure the freedom of press. Despite this, there has been an increase in restrictive laws to stifle freedom of expression and prevent the functioning of independent media, which on this day that we are here is to ensure that.
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Journalists should not fight for freedom of the press alone. Politicians, legislators, civil society, and opinion makers all have a responsibility to express their opinions.

“I argue that journalists should wear camouflage, the same as soldiers because today some groups would much rather kill a journalist than they would kill soldiers because it gets bigger headlines.” Those were the words that Christina Lamb just spoke. Now she is an awardwinning British foreign correspondent.

WorldPress Freedom Day interviews
The Director-General of UNESCO has taken his time to take the stand and deliver a remarkable message to the audience:
“Press freedom is the cornerstone of democratic societies. All States, all nations, are strengthened by information, debate and the exchange of opinions. At a time of growing discourse of mistrust and delegitimization of the press and journalism, it is essential that we guarantee freedom of opinion through the free exchange of ideas and information based on factual truths. The theme of this 26th celebration is “media for democracy: journalism and elections in times of disinformation.“
DK RoyalPress’ journalist with a masters degree mixes through the crowd and them asks The British Ambassodor to Denmark Mr. Dominic Schroeder:
Ambassodor Dominic Schroeder, could you say what is the most important at World Press Freedom Day today for you, because the owrld needs the information?
Yes of course I can.
“A free press is an essential quality of any functioning democracy and ultimately lead to greater. People must be allowed to discuss and debate issues freely, they must be allowed to challenge their governments.” The Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Denmark. Mr. Dominic Schroeder said.
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Photographer: RoyalPress Zhong Min Peng