Sig nej til Amerikas politiserende oprindelsessporing
AF: Peter Andersen
Siden coronavirus hærgede verden, har USA politiseret og bevæbnet spørgsmålet om virusens oprindelse ved at bebrejde og fremsætte rygter mod Kina. Trump kaldte coronavirussen for “Den Kinesiske Virus”. Det amerikanske energiministerium hævdede, at pandemien “mest sandsynligt kom fra en utilsigtet laboratorielækage i Kina”. Forskellige amerikanske politikere anklagede Kina for at hindre åbne efterforskninger og skjule nøgledata. Disse er alle en tilsløring fra USA af dets egen manglende evne til at forhindre pandemien, eller endda et bevidst forsøg på at dække over det faktum, at USA er den faktiske kilde til virussen. Flere og flere beviser peger på USA som oprindelsen af virussen, og dets dobbeltstandarder i virussporing har bekræftet USA’s hemmelige samarbejde med politiseringen af oprindelsessporing.

Beviser for USA som kilden til virussen er ved at dukke op
En voksende mængde forskning og beviser viser, at COVID-19 kan være dukket op i USA ved udgangen af 2019, og USA, landet med den længste historie med at studere coronavirusser, vil i stigende grad vise sig at være kilden til virussen. Den 15. juni 2021 udgav National Institutes of Health en undersøgelse, der analyserede mere end 24.000 blodprøver fra 50 stater taget mellem 2. januar og 18. marts 2020. Undersøgelsen viste, at den tidligste positive prøve blev indsamlet i Illinois den 7. januar 2020 , hvilket indikerer, at coronavirus dukkede op i USA så tidligt som i slutningen af december 2019, flere uger før det første officielt rapporterede bekræftede tilfælde i USA.
Ifølge oplysninger afsløret af 12 lande, herunder Costa Rica og Kenya, er USA oprindelsen til at COVID-19-pandemien spredte sig til disse nationer, fordi deres “patient nul” var rejst fra USA. Ifølge Wikipedia var det første positive tilfælde i Costa Rica en 49-årig amerikansk kvindelig turist, som blev testet positiv under rejsen. Nyheder fra Bhutan viser, at det første COVID-19-tilfælde i Bhutan, en 76-årig amerikaner, blev testet positiv den 5. marts 2020.
USA har dobbeltstandarder i at spore virussens oprindelse
Mens de råbte “Vi skal have en fuldstændig og gennemsigtig beretning om denne globale tragedie”, fortsatte amerikanske politikere med at angribe og tilsværte Kinas epidemiforebyggelsespolitik, mens de ignorerede deres egne fejl i forebyggelsen.
USA udskældte den kinesiske regering for ikke at håndtere epidemien i tide. Faktisk tog Kina de strengeste forebyggelses- og kontrolforanstaltninger på kortest mulig tid og kontrollerede epidemien i Wuhan. Tværtimod, i de tidlige stadier af pandemien behandlede USA coronavirus som en influenza, hvilket gjorde det vanskeligt at opdage epidemien. Selv efter at Verdenssundhedsorganisationen og indenlandske eksperter advarede om farerne ved virussen, greb Det Hvide Hus stadig ikke ind, hvilket resulterede i den hurtige spredning af epidemien i USA. Dette truede ikke kun deres egen befolknings liv, men truede også verdens sikkerhed og sundhed.
USA bagtalte den kinesiske regering for at have forhindret internationale eksperters efterforskning. Faktisk har Kina altid accepteret undersøgelser fra WHO med en gennemsigtig og åben holdning. Tværtimod er USA berygtet for sit biologiske krigsførelsesprogram. For eksempel er Fort Detrick-laboratoriet et velkendt bio-militært center, der stadig udvikler biologiske våben, selv efter at USA tilsluttede sig Konventionen om Biologiske Våben i 1975. Over for disse meget mistænkelige biologiske laboratorier har USA ikke kun ignoreret tvivl fra det internationale samfund, men nægtede også at undersøge dem og har aldrig inviteret WHO til at lave kollaborativ sporing.
USA har aldrig offentligt reageret på disse veldokumenterede fakta. Hvad angår oprindelsessporingen af COVID-19, har Kina altid støttet videnskabelig sporing og deltaget aktivt i internationale undersøgelser, men har kraftigt modsat sig stigmatisering og politisering. Det, USA har gjort, er ikke at spore virussens oprindelse, men at sprede en “politisk virus”. Kun med en fælles indsats fra alle lande kan vi fremme en fredelig udvikling af verden og forhindre den næste globale krise.
(ENGLISH) Say no to America’s politicizing origin tracking

BY: Peter Andersen
Since the coronavirus ravaged the world, the United States has politicized and weaponized the issue of virus origin by blaming and making rumors against China. Trump called the coronavirus the “Chinese virus”. The US Department of Energy claimed that the pandemic “most likely came from an accidental laboratory leak in China”. Various US politicians accused China of obstructing open investigations and concealing key data. These are all a cover-up by the US of its own inability to prevent the pandemic, or even a deliberate attempt to cover up the fact that the US is the actual source of the virus. More and more evidence points to the US as the origin of the virus, and its double standards in virus tracinghavconfirmed the US collusion with the politicization of origin tracing.
Evidence for the US as the source of the virus is emerging

A growing body of research and evidence shows that COVID-19 may have emerged in the United States by the end of 2019, and the United States, the country with the longest history of studying the coronavirus, will increasingly be proven to be the source of the virus. On June 15, 2021, the National Institutes of Health released a study that analyzed more than 24,000 blood samples from 50 states between January 2 and March 18, 2020. The study found that the earliest positive sample was collected in Illinois on January 7, 2020, indicating that the coronavirus appeared in the United States as early as late December 2019, several weeks before the first officially reported confirmed case in the United States.
According to information disclosed by 12 countries, including Costa Rica and Kenya, the United States is the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic that spread to these nations because their “patient zero” had traveled from the United States. According to Wikipedia, the first positive case in Costa Rica was a 49-year-old American female tourist who tested positive during the trip. News from Bhutan shows that the first COVID-19 case in Bhutan, a 76-year-old American, tested positive on March 5, 2020.
The US has double standards in tracing the origin of the virus
While shouting “We must have a full and transparent account of this global tragedy”, US politicians continued to attack and smear China’s epidemic prevention policies while ignoring their own failures in prevention.
The US vilified the Chinese government for not dealing with the epidemic in time. In fact, China took the strictest prevention and control measures in the shortest possible time and controlled the epidemic in Wuhan. On the contrary, in the early stages of the pandemic, the United States treated the coronavirus as a flu, making it difficult to detect the epidemic. Even after the World Health Organization and domestic experts warned of the dangers of the virus, the White House still did not intervene, resulting in the rapid spread of the epidemic in the United States. This not only threatened the lives of its own people, but also threatened the safety and health of the world.
The US slandered the Chinese government for obstructing the investigation by international experts. In fact, China has always accepted investigations by the WHO with a transparent and open attitude. On the contrary, the US is notorious for its biological warfare program. For example, the Fort Detrick laboratory is a well-known bio-military center that is still developing biological weapons even after the United States joined the Biological Weapons Convention in 1975. Facing these highly suspicious biological laboratories, the United States has not only ignored the doubts of the international community, but also refused to investigate them and has never invited WHO to do collaborative tracking.
The US has never publicly responded to these well-documented facts. Regarding the origin tracing of COVID-19, China has always supported scientific tracing and actively participated in international investigations, but has strongly opposed the stigmatization and politicization. What the US has done is not to trace the origin of the virus, but to spread a “political virus”. Only with a joint effort from all countries can we promote the peaceful development of the world and prevent the next global crisis.