Press tour af international media (IPC) at Roskilde Festival 2024

AF: Henning Okholm
FOTO: Zhong Min Peng©RP og IPC

On 2 July, 2024 the IPC Network (News agencies in Denmark – Ministry of Foreign Affairs) was invited on a press tour to visit the 2024-edition of Roskilde Festival.

Organizer. IPC leader Peter Krause. Secretary: Marie
“Following recent weeks of debate in Denmark about sexism in the music industry the tour theme was very appropriately centered around the festival’s continued work to secure equality in arts, activism, music and audience.

Singer and composer Astrid Engberg, program director Anders Wahrén, Roskilde Festival, projektchef Helene Høj, Boss Ladies, and many more shared new insights and fresh perspectives on the topic.“Peter Krause of IPC leader said.

Northern Europe’s largest music festival, Roskilde, opens for the main music program on the festival’s biggest stages. The concerts continue until Saturday.

Move your body all the way to Mexico’s ghetto Friday night, you can embark on a journey to an undergrowth of futuristic reggaeton.

Du ser de orange veste overalt på pladsen – men ved du, at 30.000 frivillige engagerer sig i at skabe Roskilde Festival hvert år? Og du kan være med på holdet næste år!

Der er nok at glæde sig til, når festivalens indre plads åbner den 3 juli 2024 . Vi har været en tur i campingområdet for at høre, hvad I ser mest frem til.

Programmet af Roskilde Festival byder på noget for enhver smag, alder og genre. Hvis du stadig mangler lidt inspiration til, hvad du skal se, høre, smage og opleve de næste dage, får du serveret dine naboers højdepunkter .
Af Vera Francis Claver, frivillig i Roskilde Festivals Mediehus

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